Overall 2014 TSNN Award Winners
25 Fastest-growing Shows - Net Square Footage
- PROCESS EXPO/International Dairy Show
- IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo
- 2013 Specialty Fabrics Expo and Advanced Textiles Conference & Trade Show (formerly IFAI Expo Americas)
- IRCE (Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition)
- NFMT - National Facilities Management & Technology
- DUG Eagle Ford
- Gear Expo 2013
- NSGC 32nd Annual Education Conference
- AG CONNECT Expo & Summit
- SuperZoo
- The Rental Show
- DUG East
- Shop.org Annual Summit
- MAGIC Market Week (MAGIC Men's/WWDMAGIC/FN Platform/Sourcing at MAGIC/WSA@MAGIC/Project/Pool) - Aug.
- PROCESS EXPO/International Dairy Show
- Enterprise Connect
- PLMA's Private Label Trade Show
- Performance Racing Industry Trade Show
- NAB Show
- International CES
- World of Concrete
- ASH Annual Meeting and Exhibition
- 2013 SGIA Expo
25 Fastest-growing Shows - Attendance
- WEFTEC - Water Environment Federation Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference
- Offshore Technology Conference
- ALFA Conference & Expo (Assisted Living Federation of America)
- 2013 NSC Congress & Expo
- Medical Design & Manufacturing (MD&M) Minneapolis and MinnPack
- ICAST (International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades)
- New England Grows!
- The Car Wash Show
- Cosmoprof North America
- Surf Expo - Jan.
- 2013 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo
- Summer Fancy Food Show
- IRCE (Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition)
- Shooting, Hunting & Outdoor Trade Show (SHOT Show)
- American Library Association Annual Conference
- CAMEX 2013 - Campus Market Expo
- REALTORS® Conference & Expo
- BookExpo America (BEA)
- Interop Las Vegas
- NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits
- Optometry's Meeting - Annual AOA Congress
- GlobalShop
- AIA National Convention and Design Exposition
- All Baby & Child Educational Conference

2014 SMOTY Award Winners
Tier I, 150 booths or less: Katie Herritage, CMM, CMP, CSEP of Amazon Web Services, Inc.
Tier II, 151-300 booths: Katie Stern of UBM Tech
Tier III, 301-700 booths: David Grindle of United States Institute for Theatre Technology
Tier IV, 701-1,500 booths: Jeffrey T. Ley of United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation
Tier V, more than 1,500 booths: Susan Newman of National Retail Federation